Can the original creditor and the collection agencies for the creditor both reprt to the credit agencies after a bankruptcy? or can the collection agencies for the original creditor be removed and the original left to show the bankruptcy?
Pulled my credit report after bankrpcy. Can orgnl creditor and coltn agncy both rpt?
Yep. Everyone you ever defaulted on can report.
Pulled my credit report after bankrpcy. Can orgnl creditor and coltn agncy both rpt?
They can both report. However, what happened to me was that the collection agency reported me twice for the same debt (AFTER it was paid off).
I got an attorney, and sued their pathetic assets! Not only did I win a cash settlement (for libel), but they also had to write an very humiliating letter to all of the agencies, appologizing:) requesting that it be removed.
Pulled my credit report after bankrpcy. Can orgnl creditor and coltn agncy both rpt?
If the bankruptcy court determined that you no longer owe the money, then your credit report should also show you don%26#039;t owe the debts. These creditors will still show your payment history and the amount that was eliminated by bankruptcy.
The only thing that will pull actual creditor from your report is if they become too old (8 to 10 years since last activity).
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