Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Address changed /update on credit report?

I have a credit update thing. I am showing that eqifax and experian have updated my address to an old address from years ago. How would they have gotten this information being that fact that my new address is on file, could someone else have my information?

thanks in advance.

Address changed /update on credit report?

The credit bureaus update your address based on information provided by creditors. Is it possible an old creditor that does not have your current address updated the record of you account with them? Only the credit bureau knows where they got the information. As for someone else having your information, its possible.

Address changed /update on credit report?

Very easy!! Supposed you get a credit card, that company, will sell a list of customers, to another comp璋﹏y. You never thought, how They got you address??

Address changed /update on credit report?

credit info. is exchanged by credit agencies yes some one could have your info. but most likely it%26#039;s an error by the credit bureau just contact the credit agencies they will up date it for you. They have many ways to get infromation on us.

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