will i ever be able to use that card again, or apply for credit with the company, for instance like a jewelry card or bank card
If my credit card has been sent to my credit report as delinquent and i pay the debt off in a few months.....
The deliquencies stay on your record. If your credit card is now in the hands of a collection agency, it%26#039;s gone for good.
If the credit card company is still dealing with you, you should be able to use the credit card once you have caught up with your payments and late fees.
If my credit card has been sent to my credit report as delinquent and i pay the debt off in a few months.....
Yes, usually the company will give you another chance but at a lower rate of credit to begin with. If you keep up with that limit then they will increase your credit a little at a time and they also send the reports to the credit bureaus so that an accurate account of your credit is reported. Credit will be given where credit is due so work to pay it off quickly and you will return to a good credit standing as you work. Lots of luck!
If my credit card has been sent to my credit report as delinquent and i pay the debt off in a few months.....
Basically, I would kiss it goodby. Even after a bk, which is worse, I called some of the companies, and they told me that even if I wanted to pay them off, that their policy was that I was off limits.
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